swapnil warang presents How to know if you are underweight posted at switch2life.Betina Thygesen presents Triage posted at Betina Thygesen.
banquet manager thatsme presents Important Health Advice For Women posted at So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager....
Joshua Seth presents Why Diets Don’t Work posted at Joshua Seth Blog, saying, "My good friend Justin Kredible from the Rachael Ray show stopped by to do a quick interview recently. In part one of this video he asks “What’s the difference between using hypnosis for weight loss and just going on a diet?”
Alternative Medicine
Amy Smith presents Natural Help for ADHD posted at Kids Love Learning.sunny narin presents d master cleanser: November 2008 posted at d master cleanser.
Carmen Davailus presents Natural Holistic Therapies for Common Illnesses posted at Naturally Holistic, saying, "What works and what doesn't? Natural Treatments for Common Conditions such as the flu, degenerative eye conditions, depression, menopause, PMS and more."
Harmonics in Cairns, Australia presents Upper Back Stretch posted at Harmonics in Cairns: Real Lifestyle Change.Good Thing presents A Million Good Things posted at A Million Good Things.
Healthy Living
Ernesto Maitim presents Anti Acne Program: How to Prevent Acne from Happening posted at Man Skin Care World.Kiera Pedley presents Tips For Using Cloth Diapers posted at Natural Parenting Tips, saying, "Cloth diapers are the natural way to avoid plastics and chemicals for your child. This article details the basics on choosing, and using cloth diapers."
Patricia Turner presents 100 Tools and Resources to Secure Your Health Records posted at Online Nursing Degree Guide.
Nancy Miller presents A Few Good Stress Busters posted at Becoming A Radiologist.
Aparna presents Beauty and health effects of negative emotions posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming.
Peter presents The Ultimate Guide to Stress Relief posted at The Change Blog.
Arun presents A Matter of Perspective posted at Arun is Bringing You...Your Daily Remedy, saying, "Sometimes, a little perspective is all we need to realize how great our lives are!"
GrrlScientist presents Bottomfeeder: How to Eat Ethically in a World of Vanishing Seafood posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, "There's plenty of fish in the sea, as the old addage goes -- but are there, really? I experienced a rude awakening at the peak popularity of Orange Roughy, which I loved. I learned that Orange Roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus, an extremely long-lived benthic species in the Western Pacific Ocean that doesn't even reach sexual maturity until 40 years of age, was being eaten out of existence by people like me. After I learned that, I never touched Orange Roughy again."
Coatlicue presents Natural vs. bottled water posted at Raw Fitness Online, saying, "An article about the health benefits of natural waters, and the dangers of bottled and distilled water."
Carole Fogarty presents 14 Funky Ways To Calm Your Nerves Consistently: posted at THE HEALTHY LIVING LOUNGE, saying, "Do yourself a favor and add more deliberate moments of relaxation and deep rest into your day. This article is a reminder of the many ways you can put yourself first more often and soothe your nerves consistently. You can also tell where my focus is at the moment .... nourishing my nervous system."
Peter Crump presents Dangerous Cosmetics May Harm Teenage Girls posted at Natural Health - Natural Skin Care.
Jeremy Zongker presents 76 Ways to Save Money While Saving the Environment posted at Destroy Debt.
Marsha Hudnall presents Preventing Holiday Weight Gain: 10 Tips to Guarantee Holiday Weight Gain posted at A Weight Lifted, saying, "The annual holiday food fight is about to begin. You know, the one where conflicted women nationwide (even worldwide) face down rich-food eating traditions.
Lovelyn presents 7 Foods to Boost Your Immune System posted at The Art of Balanced Living.
Alvaro Fernandez presents Brain Fitness 2: Sight & Sound, at PBS posted at SharpBrains, saying, "PBS just announced the second installment of their popular Brain Fitness Program show: "Join host Peter Coyote in "Brain Fitness 2: Sight & Sound," the follow-up to "The Brain Fitness Program," as he explores the brain's ability to change and grow, even as we age, helping us maintain and improve our vision and hearing.""
Matthew presents Advance Medical Directives posted at Fast Medical Information, saying, "Advance directives refers to specific treatment preferences of a patient and also the designation of a decision-maker if the patient themselves is unable to make their own decisions. This includes a living will, the power of attorney and health care proxy."
Aparna presents Aloevera, the wonder herb posted at Beauty & Personality Grooming, saying, "Of all the herbs available in the kitchen garden, aloe is perhaps the richest in healing properties and has been rightly named the “first-aid” plant. It has moisturizing and emollient properties and is used in cosmetic creams, sun-lotions, shaving creams and face packs. It can easily be cultivated as a house-plant in a sunny warm spot with good drainage.Cosmetologists mix aloe with several other herbs and draft fancy names for it. Then these “herbal” avatars are sold at exorbitant prices. Growing a plant and using fresh gel is much more effective than bottled gel, simply because it is alive and therefore is more potent. It is the only plant whose extract is applied directly from plant to face in its natural and purest form"
You can also find out more about aloe here.
Randy Powell presents Cinnamon and its benefits posted at Eating-Veggies.com: High Alkaline Diet blog.
Find out even more about cinnamon here.
Aparna presents Mint (pudina) for health and beauty posted at Beauty & Personality Grooming.
Sarah Scrafford presents 50 Health and Beauty Products You Can Make at Home posted at Massage Therapy Careers.
Astrid Lee presents Aromatherapy: Myrtle for bronchitis, coughs & other respiratory ailments posted at World Healing, saying, "Myrtle is an aromatherapy oil that because of its versatility comes in handy often. Perhaps it is of use to you."
Learn even more about myrtle here.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of natural health using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
thx for the inclusion :-) we look forward to future conversations with you
peace in your ventures~
Harmonics in Cairns
Thanks for including me in this carnival with so many other great posts.
So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager
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