Welcome to the November 2, 2008 edition of Carnival of Natural Health.
Aparna presents Beauty and Personality Grooming: Yogic diet posted at Beauty & Personality Grooming.
Andrew Michaels presents Lifecrafting · Meat Part I: How It’s Slowly Killing You by Strangling Your Heart and Riddling You With Cancer posted at Lifecrafting, saying, "How removing meat from your diet can save your life."
Phil B. presents Reducing Stress « Phil for Humanity posted at Phil for Humanity, saying, "All too often, I see people around me looking for short term solutions to stress, such as taking “must needed” vacations, and then they go right back to their hectic and stressful schedule immediately afterwards. I equate this with yo-yo dieting that does not work in the long term. Handling stress must be a lifestyle change that minimizes everyday stress."
Maria Johnson presents Mailman, Florist, Taxi Driver & Irritable Bowel Syndrome posted at Maria Johnson.
Maria Johnson presents The Golden Years Are The Time for Colon Cleansing posted at Maria Johnson.
Maria Johnson presents Causes & Ways to Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome posted at Maria Johnson.
Alternative Medicine
Sam presents Alternative Medicine posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "Improve the quality of your life with a whole body, holistic approach to healing. Dozens of therapies are here."
Conan Stevens presents Natural Cure For A Sore Thoat posted at Conan Stevens Online, saying, "I can't understand why people run out and buy medicine everytime they get a little bit sick - as if taking pseudoephedrine is going to help your body heal itself."
PhilosopherVet presents Acupuncture for Acne - A Long Term Acne Solution posted at Ambitiously Inquisitive
TheNourisher presents How to Make Calcium using Egg Shells posted at Nourished Magazine, saying, "Cheap and Easy Calcium Supplementation."
Jimson Lee presents Copper, Magnetic and Titanium Bracelets - PhysioBalm posted at Speedendurance.com, saying, "A detailed look at copper and other heavy metals for alternative medicine."
Dr. Jason Richards presents Why hasn't my OB recommended chiropractic care? posted at Pregnancy and Back Pain.
Alexandr B.S. presents Best Toothache Remedies. Stop Toothache. posted at Worldental - world dental treatment guide.
Andrea presents What is Physiotherapy? posted at Travel Vaccinations, saying, "The health benefits of physiotherapy."
Raymond David Salas presents How to Heal Yourself posted at ZenChill.com - Power Tools for Mind, Body, and Soul.
Anmol Mehta presents Book of Kundalini Yoga Poses & Kriyas - Spinal Warmup Yoga Exercises - Ch 1 posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, "An effective and simple Kundalini Yoga set to heal and strengthen the back and spine. The set also works on the digestive systems and improves emotional balance."
Healthy Living
Vahid Chaychi presents Health and Happiness Formula posted at Healthoma.com.
Wenchypoo presents Oh No—Not Another Detox! posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.
Alfa King presents Stop… for health « Alfa King Memories posted at Alfa King Memories.
Wenchypoo presents The Return of NNR Food Scores (L-O-N-G) posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.
Amy Pedersen presents Ergonomics, Office Chairs and the Real Definition of Ergonomic Workplace Posture posted at Sit On This Office Chair ...., saying, "The dictionary definition of ergonomics or human factors is the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use. When a manufacturer uses this process they take into account many factors which can affect the consumer. They use theory, data and principles in order to design a chair that limits all unnatural motions which will cause fatigue and pain."
David Richeson presents How to Keep Yourself Healthy posted at 360 Degree Success, saying, "Simple steps to keep yourself healthy and prevent illness."
Aparna presents Bhramari Pranayam posted at Beauty & Personality Grooming.
Hueina Su presents Life Balance Lessons: 7 Keys to Avoid Burnout posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul, saying, "Chronic stress could lead to burnout, which could greatly impact a person's physical & emotional health, relationships, work, and everyone related to him/her. When you are burned out, you can't function at your best, and everyone you care about suffer with you. It's not difficult to see that there is much at stake. Here are some proactive steps you can take today to prevent (or overcome) burnout."
Wenchypoo presents The Eater’s Digest (L-O-N-G) posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.
Barbra Sundquist presents One Gear, No Breaks: Behind the Scenes posted at HomeBusinessWiz, saying, "In Part 3 of my interview with Olympic Champion Lori-Ann Muenzer, we talk about her new book One Gear No Breaks and the documentary of the same name."
Alvaro Fernandez presents Bill Clinton on health care and wellness posted at SharpBrains.
Andrew Michaels presents Lifecrafting · Meat Part II: How It’s Layering You With Fat And Giving You Diabetes. posted at Lifecrafting, saying, "Why meat will make you obese and diabetic, and how improving your diet can fix these problems."
Victor Fam presents Towards a Better Life Articles » Archive » Lose Weight through Self-Affirmation posted at Personal Development Articles.
FitBuff presents Fish Oil. Huh? Fish?Oil?? posted at FitBuff.com's Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog.
GrrlScientist presents Meet Marge: The World's First NonFat Dairy Cow posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, "Image a cow that produces skim milk -- naturally!"
Kathleen Gage presents Turning our situations from frightening to enlightening posted at Daily Awareness, saying, "No matter where you turn, fear seems to be a topic of conversation for so many. Turn on the news, read the newspaper, watch television…it’s there. Truth be told, there is a major shift underway. This shift can be frightening to some, enlightening for others. The fear comes from the outward evidence that life is falling apart. The fear comes from the uncertainty of personal and professional finances. The fear comes from the unknown. Learn a simple strategy to go from frightened to enlightened."
Peter Crump presents Dangerous Skin Care Products And Cosmetics Exposed posted at Natural Health - Natural Skin Care.
Kristen McCarthy presents Organic is Next to Godliness posted at this-sustainable-life.com, saying, "Organic products have become the food of the bourgeois –and I’m not talking about the kind of food historically only available to the rich: calf liver pâtés, speckled Emu eggs, and ninety-nine dollar square watermelons –instead, I’m talking about the essential food groups that ensure our nutrition: vegetables, fruit, grains, and dairy."
Aparna presents Anuloma-Viloma pranayama breathing exercise posted at Beauty & Personality Grooming.
Courtney Doussett presents Super Foods and You posted at GrassrootsMothering.
Reba Haas presents zHome gets you zero energy and carbon neutral at home posted at Team Reba Real Estate, saying, "Healthy living also means living in a clean, green environment. More and more builders are picking up on how individuals and their families are looking for ways to be good to themselves and to the planet. A new project in Issaquah, WA is setting aside a unit for teaching about healthy home living."
bookfundas presents The Ultimate IQ Test Book: 1,000 Practice Test Questions to Boost Your Brain Power posted at BookFundas.com, saying, "The Ultimate IQ Test Book is the biggest book of IQ practice tests available. Written and compiled by IQ-test experts, it contains 1000 practice questions organized into 25 tests, with a simple guide to assessing individual performance. The questions themselves are very similar to those faced by candidates in actual IQ tests. They are multi-discipline and include verbal, numerical, and diagrammatic reasoning questions, so that readers can practice on all the different types of questions they are likely to encounter. Working through the questions can help anyone improve their vocabulary and develop powers of calculation and logical reasoning. By studying the different types of test and recognizing the different types of questions, readers can improve their test scores and increase their IQ rating. The Ultimate IQ Test Book is valuable to those who have to take an IQ test, but it’s also great fun for anyone who likes to stretch their mind for their own entertainment."
Amber presents Girl Healthy: Save Money, Be Healthy posted at Girl Healthy.
Joshua Seth presents Drinking Water and Weight Loss posted at Joshua Seth Blog, saying, "In this quick video I explain the top 3 reasons to drink water before every meal. Drinking water is a healthy, natural way to lose weight and detox. For more info on this topic see my full article"
FitBuff presents 'Does Fruit Make You Fat?' posted at FitBuff.com's Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog, saying, "Does fruit make you fat? I decided to put the question to the test for myself with a detailed self-experiment. Here's what I found..."
Adam Sicinski presents Keys to Creating Abundant Energy | Mind Map posted at IQ Matrix Blog, saying, "Energy is the lifeblood of our everyday actions and decisions. It is also the fundamental key that goes into creating a well balanced, rounded and fulfilling lifestyle. The simple truth is, that without adequate amounts of energy, nothing can really be achieved, no true pleasures can be experienced or enjoyed, and no effective and well thought out decisions can be made. If you are finding yourself constantly running low on energy, than this Mind Map may hold the answers that you have been looking for."
Sarah Scrafford presents 50 Games That Will Improve Your Health and Wellness posted at Nursing Assistant Central.
Fiona King presents Top 100 Pediatric Health Blogs posted at Nursing Assistant Central.
marjorie presents Honey to the Rescue posted at Laurel on Health Food, saying, "If you’re having a major coughing attack, try eating a spoonful of honey to coat your throat. It certainly tastes better than traditional cough syrup! Look out for darker varieties of honey (like buckwheat) because they are likely to contain higher levels of antioxidants than lighter varieties."
Amanda Herrington presents RHODIOLA: AWESOME ANTIAGING ADAPTOGEN posted at healthsundae.com -- your daily scoop of health, fitness, and nutrition, saying, "Rhodiola is a godsend. Fight stress and improve your sex life with this miracle herb."
PhilosopherVet presents What is Acute Acne? The Natural Remedy posted at Ambitiously Inquisitive
PhilosopherVet presents Acne Damp Heat - The Traditional Chinese (Acupuncture) Diagnosis Of Acne posted at Ambitiously Inquisitive
Chris presents Wuji Zhuang: The Self-Knowledge Stance posted at Martial Development.
Alvaro Fernandez presents » Mind & Life Institute « Brain Fitness Revolution at SharpBrains posted at SharpBrains, saying, "On the Mind & Life Institute and a "novel" method for mental training."
ananga presents How to Stop Shallow Breathing When You Feel Anxious posted at Ananga Sivyer's Living by Design Blog.
Christian Bachmann presents Got migraine? Try yoga. posted at Med Journal Watch, saying, "Controlled medical studies show that meditation works against headache."
Anmol Mehta presents Meditation Techniques - The Ultimate Guide posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, "A comprehensive guide to meditation techniques. Details the best meditations to practice in order to achieve your goals. Includes free video instruction."
Stephen presents A Guided Metta Meditation posted at Balanced Existence, saying, "Metta Bhavana is a Buddhist meditation practice known as the development of universal loving-kindness. It belongs to a set of meditations called brahma-viharas, which roughly means ‘abode of the gods’. As such metta meditation is considered to help us experience positive and enjoyable mental states similar to the mental states of the beings in the Buddhist god-realm."
Louis Burns presents Presuppose Greatness posted at NLP Marketing Blog.
axel presents How Long Should I Meditate Each Time? posted at axel g.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Natural Health using our carnival submission form.